Gilded Pooper-Scooper
Satirical short stories
A hilarious and insightful journey around the world. The protagonists struggle with relationships, work and holiday stress in six different parts of the world. In Finland, we meet a man doing an extreme adventure trip by crawling on all fours in the city of Kauniainen; in Russia a wannabe hippie who yearns for free love; in Thailand an irresolute revolutionary general; in Argentina a prisoner of a perverted mother-son relationship; in New-Zealand a woman engaging in conspicuous recycling, and in Brazil a bunch of inventive tourism entrepreneurs.
- Hardcover; MP3 Audiobook; Fiction; 216 pages
- ISBN 9789525658088; Price $33.45
- Siniplaneetta, 2007
- In Finnish: Kullattu kakkalapio; Available in Finnish